07.01.02 � 6:28 pm

ape ape her jam

I didn't have English class tonite, which means I don't have to be at school until 7:50. It's been raining all fucking day. Not drizzle either. Torrential downpour. I'm tempted to blow off school, but I have that major lab to turn in for bio and after having paid $1700 in tuition, I don't want to risk making a shitty grade.

Bri and I spent all day at Sarah's yesterday. She helped me with my lab and then the three of us went to the pool. Swam in the rain. She and Mike broke up AGAIN and she's feeling pretty low about everything. I wish there was something I could do to comfort her, but I know that nothing I do or say will fix what's going on with her. I guess I just try to act stupid and be silly and try to keep her mind off things.

Todd is leaving for San Angelo to visit family for 4th of July. He'll be back Friday and then we have plans to go to First Friday. He said we could take Sarah so she doesn't get stuck at home.

I've been feeling pretty good lately. I'm broke as shit and usually that stresses me so much that I get sick. I think my love life being relatively promising is making other aspects of my life easier to handle.

Love solves all problems.


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