08.04.03 � 7:17 am


By the end of the week I had pretty much convinced myself that Todd doesn't have MS. It was just my intuition, PLUS I had a lengthy conversation with his grandmother that made me believe that surely someone would have spilled the beans about it long ago. But, I still wanted to talk to him about it. I wanted him to know about my week and how upsetting it had been. I also wanted to tell him how I discovered, through all this, that my love for him is unconditional. And anyway, it just seemed dishonest not to talk to him about it.

Now. I have a REAL problem with confrontation. I am absolutely TERRIBLE at talking about things that are important to me. And this was no different. So, I wrote him a letter. Cheesy, I know, but I felt I had no choice.

So....Friday night we went to First Friday with Sarah and Mike. We had dinner and saw Jenny and Jason as we were walking down to the Silos to see Ryan's space. We left early and bought some beer and came home. I gave him the letter. When he finished reading it, he was laughing. He said, "Honey, I don't have MS". He told me he remembered writing that after he'd watched a documentary about a guy with MS and he was comparing it to his ailments. I asked him if he was angry with me and he said no and then he said "you are the sweetest person i've ever known. i wish you would have asked me about this. i can't bear that you were so upset all week" So yeah. Good news.

Friday night we stayed up all night. It was fun. We talked and watched tv and drank beer. Saturday we slept til 3 and then went to Liberty Bar to eat and to a bookstore and to the Davenport because I was craving a Costa Rican martini. In the meantime, Sarah called and was bummed out, so we went to her house and hung out and then brought her back to my apartment and we all went swimming.

I was exhausted from the previous night, so I went to bed about 2 and about 4 Todd came to bed and was hugging me and then he said "I need you to wake up. I have to tell you something." and then he said....

"I want to marry you"

SCORE! He said other things, but frankly all I really remember is this. I told him that all he has to do is ask. He said he's not ready yet, that he wants it to be perfect.

So, to summarize, or to make a long story even longer...

1. No MS


2. He wants to marry me

It was a goooooood weekend.

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