07.25.02 � 9:52 pm


So yeah, I still haven't figured out how to fix my "older entries" page. I try the instructions Andrew gives and I get nothing.

Oh well.

I just used an Origins Activated Charcoal Mask on my face. I highly recommend it. It makes your skin feel all tingly while you're wearing it and once you wash it off, your face is all glowy and soft as a baby's ass.

I'm relieved I don't have school tonite. Last night we got our midterms back. You'll never guess what I got. In English I got a 103 and in Bio I got a 101.

I know. It confuses me too. I've always been a mediocre student. I don't know where all this is coming from. It's nice though. I feel so proud. This term ends on Aug 19th and I feel certain I'm going to pull off A's in both classes.

My grandparents have completely ignored my request that they cosign a student loan so that I can get a laptop for school. Saturday my aunt called me and told me that she's going to buy me whatever computer I want, but if I quit school, she's taking it back. I'm looking at the IBook. I've heard it's super cool, but I've never owned a Mac. Does anyone have any feedback for me?

Well, this has been a meaningless entry, hasn't it? I can't help the boringness. I'm sleepy. And when I'm sleepy, I'm boring. Apparently.


P.S. Thanks, Winehunter, for the advice.

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