08.22.02 � 7:58 pm

doug doug doug

I've rather enjoyed having this week off of school. It's nice to have some time to spend with Brianna. We've been reading Superfudge together for the past few days. I'd forgotten how funny I thought that book was when I was her age. I read it to her and she just laughs and laughs. It's awesome. I have such an excellent kid.

I haven't seen Todd since Saturday night, which is fine with me. Sometimes I like a break from having to try to be impressive. It's nice to lounge around in a tshirt and panties and not have to worry about having my legs perfectly shaved and having makeup on. Perhaps this means I'm not ready for a serious relationship?

Lots of people are pressuring me to have a "talk" with Todd about what our status is and whether or not we're "boyfriend and girlfriend". I'm of the opinion that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Of COURSE I'd be sad if he decided to date someone else, but I'm also happy with the current state of affairs. What if I make mention of it and he freaks out and it ruins the entire dynamic of things? I swear, relationships are so much fucking work. No wonder I've been single for so long.

I got my time off secured in October to facilitate my seeing Doug. As of right now the plan is to see him in Austin and then drive to Dallas and see him again the next night. I'm going to need a road trip partner.

Do I sound obsessed?

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