09.08.02 � 2:53 pm


My child is driving me insane.

I think I have quite possibly the WHINIEST little girl on the face of the earth. I have absolutely no patience for it either.

Oh, how enjoyable Sundays can be. It's raining cats and dogs and Brianna is wailing in her room. It sounds like a cow is dying.

Sarah wants us to go to a barbecue for Mike's birthday. It amazes me how much of a doormat she is and she doesn't even see it. Just two days ago she was telling me about their huge fight and how it was "SO over" and today she's rayionalizing his behavior and asking me to go with her to his damn birthday party. And if that isn't bad enough, she used smarmy tactics to try and convince me to go. She says "But he LOVES you and Jenny so much. He says you guys are so great and funny and that ya'll are such amazing friends and you love me so much. He thinks it's cool that we have such a strong friendship and that we truly love each other." Now that's not playing fair, is it?

What am I supposed to say to that?

So, I agreed to go to the barbecue. But I made sure that she knows I'm only going cause I love her.

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