09.25.02 � 8:19 am


Yesterday was a terrific day. I had grandpa duty. I took him to get his stitches out, to the dentist, to the grocery store and to the bank. And then I went and picked them up some lunch. As annoyed as I was, it felt good to be there for them. My grandpa has become so frail. I found myself having to baby him a little..such an odd feeling, really. But anyway, after doing my granddaughterly duties, I went and picked up Ryan and we went out to lunch. Ryan is such a great guy. He's smart and funny and artistic and good looking. We have great conversations and everytime we hang I remember how much I like being his friend.

I didn't see Todd yesterday, which is good. He sort of irritated me on Monday anyway. I suppose I'm sounding childish for caring about sex, but....you know, it hurts my feelings. Every guy I ever dated has always wanted sex all the time. I used to complain about it. It's like once I'd have sex with someone, it would become the sole basis of our relationship. Now I have someone who doesn't give a shit about sex (at least not with me) so what does it mean? As stupid as it sounds, it's driving me insane. I love Todd. But I don't want to be miserable either.

We're spending today together, so we'll see what happens. I'll keep you posted.

P.S. Guestbooks aren't working, so...

Bexx, I won't make it to all the shows, but there are a few on my definite list. (Doug, Songs:Ohia, Ben Kweller, Lou Barlow)

Winehunter, Perhaps winter is a bad season for all of us? Cheer up, buttercup!

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