10.10.03 � 11:36 am


It's very possible I may be dying.

My back had begun to feel as if it might start cooperating and then I did the worst thing I could do..

I went and got a massage.

It wasn't my fault. EVERYONE said it would make me feel better and would heal my pain, PLUS....you know, it's a MASSAGE and massages are good. And it did feel good. All 75 minutes of it. Norma, my masseuse, said it appeared to be my sciatic nerve that is in turmoil. Well now I'M in turmoil. Whatever she did has sent every muscle in my back and butt (shut up!)into revolt. Last night I couldn't even get out of bed. I literally had to roll off the mattress. Good thing we broke the bed last August and I never bothered to put the frame back on!

Yikes. I don't know what to do. I'm sick of walking like an old lady and I'm sick of hurting and I'm almost out of muscle relaxers, although I'm not even sure that they were helping at all.

On top of that, tomorrow is the engagement party and I'm extremely excited. But how can I take pretty photos with my handsome husband-to-be when I'm making the most wretched grimace ALL THE TIME from the fucking pain?!

Does anyone have any suggestions?

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