10.06.03 � 1:41 pm


Well, I've really and truly screwed up my back. If this is what it's like to grow old then I want nothing to do with it. Most types of movement are painful and standing and walking are no exception. I have medication that does nothing but make me sleepy, which I suppose is a benefit also, however I can't take it at work. So yeah. Woe is me and shit.

Todd and I had a good weekend. We saw American Splendor Friday night and I highly recommend it. It's been so long since we've seen a good movie. It was quite a relief. Saturday night we went and saw Wynton Marsalis and the Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra. It was unbelievable. I had gotten a tip from my Jazz History teacher that Wynton had plans to do a surprise show-up at this little bar called Carmen's downtown. So we went and had some good beer and sure enough at about 12:15 Wynton was there with 4 members of the orchestra in tow. They played for about an hour or so and it was fantastic. Life-changing even. We had such a good time..and it was nice. Just the two of us.

It's funny how things change in our lives. And how we have no idea where we'll be or what we'll be doing 5 years from now.

When I went to pick up Brianna yesterday, she had gone for a walk with Chris's neighbor and so we sat outside at the car waiting and making small talk. He was asking me about the wedding and every once in awhile I'd catch him glancing at my ring. I realized when I left his house, how far I'd come and how I feel nothing for him when we see each other. There was definitely a time when I couldn't have imagined my life without him. Weird, huh? Weird how those things just change.

But I'm blessed, ya know. Todd is 5 million times a better man than Chris will ever be. And he's kind and compassionate. And smarter than anyone I know. Seriously, he's a BRAIN. And I love that.

And I'm just so proud that he chose me.

I never ever would have imagined....

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