11.07.03 � 7:36 am


So, apparently I had an anxiety attack yesterday.

Todd came and met me for lunch and we had a great meal. Nothing out of the ordinary anyway. Right before we got up to pay the bill, I got this overwhelming feeling like I was going to pass out. I couldn't focus my eyes on anything. I didn't want to say anything, thinking that once we got up, it would go away. But it didn't. I made Todd sit down with me on a bench in the waiting area and I told him that I was going to faint.

I made it to the car and once I was in the car, I felt like like I couldn't breathe. And then I felt nauseous. And still faint. I can't explain it, but I thought I was going to die.

He drove me to the hospital. Although the beginning is kind of a blur, I know they did an ekg. The weird thing is, about an hour after this whole thing came on, I was perfectly fine.

My ekg was normal. My blood work was normal. STILL not pregnant! (4 urine tests and 1 blood test later!)Also, my blood pressure is the best it's ever been.

So what the fuck happened to me?

The doctor said that in the absence of any medical problem, it was likely an anxiety attack. I explained that I wasn't doing anything stressful and he told me that's how they work. They come on for no apparent reason.

So now they tell me I stopped having my period because of stress and now I'm also having anxiety attacks??? What's the deal?

I suppose I have had a lot going on lately with the family, the wedding, and the pregnancy scare, but sheesh! I didn't know it was affecting me so much.

I need to find a way to prevent this from happening again. It was frightening. Really.

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