11.20.03 � 10:00 am


I'm broke.

It sucks.

But the good news is that I paid the last $389 on my wedding dress AND I bought 11 boxes of clear votive glasses from Target for our reception. That's almost 100 votives. I think it's going to be beautiful.

So, I'm broke but it's gone to a good cause.

Other than that, things are okay. Joel and Luciana will be here tomorrow and we're getting excited. Joel has some doctor's conference that he'll be busy at most of the time, but we get to hang out with Luciana and the baby. They're such amazing and genuine people, I can't wait to see them.

Todd stayed over last night even though it wasn't one of his "designated" nights. (Mondays and Wednesdays he stays with his grandmother). It was great. I skipped class and we ordered pizza and watched The Bachelor. (lord, help me!)

Anyway, in the middle of the night I woke up and he was spooning me and whispering in my ear. Mind you, he thought I was asleep and I also sleep with earplugs (yay snoring!) and so I'm sure he thought I couldn't hear him. He was saying "I love you I love you I love you. You're so beautiful. Thank you Thank you Thank you for loving me. You're an angel." Etc etc.

I never moved or let him know that I was awake. Everyday he surprises me more. No one in my whole life has ever treated me with so much kindness and respect. No one has ever been so romantic.

I think I might marry him, yo!

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