12.11.03 � 2:46 pm


I haven't written in awhile.

I've been busy, if you can believe that. The holidays always seem to stress me out more than any other time of year. I get this anxiety that I won't be able to buy Brianna enough Christmas presents or that everyone else will get neglected because I'll spend every dime I have on her. I wish I had a million dollars, yo. Buying for other people is so fun....when you can afford it.

Things are going well. Sarah's wedding is coming along nicely. I've stepped down from my role as maid of honor. It was just TOO much stress and, in all honesty, I had NO idea how I was going to make it happen financially. This not having any credit cards blows donkeys!

(THAT'S gonna be a good google search!)

Anyway, it broke my heart. The conversation we had was very emotional. But I think she understood. She replaced me with Jennifer as a bridesmaid and that makes me happy. I like Jennifer and I think she'll be a great bridesmaid.

I'm feeling very close right now to Jenny and Sarah. I guess we go through times when we're too busy to talk a lot. But lately, with wedding planning and all, we've seen quite a bit of each other. Whenever the three of us are together, I'm reminded just how special and important they are to me. To have friends that you can say have known you since 4th and 6th grades is quite an honor. And these girls are just such outstanding FUNNY people. And I love them.

Okay. What else?

Todd is in the middle of finals, so he's been spending a lot of quality time in the law library. I'm proud of him. It's hard to believe his first semester is already over. I have one more week. We have a test Monday and then we give our presentations Wednesday. Next semester I'm taking two classes again. I've been slacking like a mother for the past 4 months.

And....my head HURTS. I've now had 10 Advil. I think I may go into liver failure.

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