05.05.04 � 7:39 am


Well, last weekend we finally got everything out of the old apartment. It was strangely therapeutic to be absolutely done with a place I've called home for four years. Also, it was very relieving to have this amazing place to come home to when we were done.

There's lots going on here right now. Todd is in the middle of finals and I'm in bride mode trying to get everything paid for and last minute details planned. Saturday my mom and I went to Bering's and I picked out our wedding program. I also found gifts for the girls in my house party. It was an expensive, yet productive outing. I came home and started working on the text for the program and I think I'm done. So many freakin details.

My cousin and my aunt are throwing me a shower luncheon Saturday and Todd's grandmother from San Angelo is coming. I can't wait to see her.

What else?

Oh yeah. My dad called me last night, acting all sweet and invited us to come over. I knew something was up because my dad NEVER invites me over. Ever. When we pulled onto his street, it was evident why he called us over.


Yeah. Must be rough, eh?

I am so thoroughly pissed off. He's told me repeatedly "I don't have the means to help you with the wedding." yet everytime he makes an extravagant purchase, he rubs my face in it. He's such a disappointmen lately. I just can't stand him.

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