06.06.04 � 10:07 am


13 days to go.

I am so stressed and on edge. I cry everyday. EVERYDAY.

Shouldn't I be enjoying this time?

Remember a few weeks ago my dad called me to come over so he could gloat about his new $200k RV?? When we were there he explained that the company he owns had bought the RV because "it has so much income, we NEED the write-off".

So, fast forward to last week and I call him up and ask him to make a contribution to the wedding fund. (We are $3000 behind) Know what he tells me???? That "things are tough for him financially and the business is very slow, but he'll run the numbers and get back to me" What an asshole.

UN fucking believable.

Not to mention that he hasn't even called me back yet.

Sometimes I hate that man.

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