10.15.02 � 8:37 pm


I've vowed not to write in the diary because I'm sick of never having anything other than Todd to talk about. I mean, what the hell? Isn't there more to life than him? Apparently not, because ten days has gone by and I've had not one thing un-Todd-related to mention. It's a sad state of affairs, I tell you.

I've decided to change my name back to my maiden name. Frankly, I'm just sick of being tied to that bastard. There's no love between us, so why should we share a name? Originally, when we got divorced, I'd decided to keep my married name for the sake of Brianna. I figured it would be weird for her if we had different names. I never even thought about the fact that if I get married again (god forbid)my name will change anyway. So....I've had a long talk with her about it and she seems to understand my desire to want my old name back. Plus...(and this is important) I couldn't stand the thought of my college diploma saying "Crigger" on it. So, the paperwork is done. I'm just waiting until I can spare the $145 to file it in court. Should be another two weeks.

In other news, I took my mom and Brianna to Austin Saturday. We had lunch with Jenna and went to Waterloo (of course) which they both suffered through. We had a really good time and I think my mo was happy to be included in something. She's been feeling a bit neglected since Todd came into the picture.

Next week is Doug. I'm so excited, I can hardly stand it. I mean really. It's disgusting. I'm going to be unbearable all day next Tuesday until we go.

.....and just cause I can't go a whole diary entry without saying...

things with Todd are excellent. We're all in love and shit. It's fucking beautiful.

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