11.28.03 � 1:12 pm


Yesterday was Thanksgiving. We took Todd's Nanny to my dad's for dinner. Todd's dad and stepmom went to Beaumont to see his brother and so Nanny would have been all alone. This was the first time that she's been around my family. She was sick during the engagement party and since I uninvited my dad, no one had the opportunity to meet.

I've never been so ashamed of my family. Ever. My grandmother was appallingly rude. It was unbelieveable. I'm not entirely sure how to handle the situation, but what I do know is that I'm humiliated. Why can't my family just be fucking normal for once? Why do they have to make everything so damn complicated for me?

And Nanny is so sweet, she wouldn't say an unkind thing about anybody. Instead she said, "not to sound negative, but your grandmother sure is a character".

Yeah you can say that again.

And now I'm at work and it just sucks. We are so freakin busy, it's unreal. Why don't you people stay home! Go shopping! Why are you banking on the day after a holiday?? Don't you have leftovers to eat? Family to see?


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