09.08.04 � 7:09 am


There was yet ANOTHER PTA meeting last night. Come on, people. What could we possibly have to talk about NOW? Oh, I remember. The pressing issue of cupcakes in the classroom. Banned because of new legislation regarding the nutritional content of school lunches. Kids are getting fat! No cupcakes for them.

Oh, but what an uproar the Cupcake Banning has caused. Parents are Mad. With a capital M. So the rule has been amended. Now it's no cupcakes at or before lunchtime. Point 1 for the parents! Good grief. And I'm not even making this up.

Cindy and and the kiddos went to the meeting. Not my idea, Cindy wanted to vote on something that was affecting the fifth grade. Afterward, we took the kids to Chili's, where we ended the evening with my favoritest dessert ever...The Molten.

Here's Brianna and Jacob.

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